Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Andrea Rosen 1.12.09

I light up when I turn on my tv and see Andrea. Whether she's hiring Flight of the Conchords to write a jingle, or selling yogurt, my heart is warm and fuzzy for some good old fashion Andrea Rosen entertainment! She is in the comedy troupe VARIETY SHAC and you also know her from the comedy central series STELLA. She kicks off season 2 of Flight of the Conchords this month as well. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... THE SENSATIONAL, THE BEAUTIFUL, THE ABSOLUTELY GRAND... ANDREA ROSEN!


Male Whorehouse

ANDREA ROSEN 1.12.09 - by Ron Solomon

PV: Andrea, what a delight to have you join the =POPVIEWS= family. thanks for spending some time with us!

A-RO: Thank you for having me. And thanks for the snacks. I love the pate, dates, and white chocolate malt balls.

PV: First things first; I'm listening to the latest Gnarls Barkley cd right now, are you down with the Gnarl?

A-RO: I love the song “Going On”. I listen to it 3.5 times a week. Not sure what album that’s from. I could google it right now, but I don’t feel like it.

PV: What cds have been frequenting your iPod as of late?

A-RO: Lately I have been listening to De La Soul is Dead, Blossom Dearie, and the new Beyonce (and yes I have been trying to learn the Single Ladies dance). I listen to the music from Pippin a lot. I love musicals! I also love the Jenny Lewis song, Trying My Best to Love You.

PV: I recently did an interview with David Wain and had asked him about the show STELLA, which you were a cast member of. What things do you miss most about doing that show?

A-RO: I loved doing a show with friends. And I loved doing a show that I thought was super funny. I was totally honored to be a part of that show even though Comedy Central pays doodoo.

PV: Do you think Comedy Central gave it a proper shot?

A-RO: They pushed it at the beginning and then they made it really hard to find – they switched the time slot a few times and sorta stopped advertising it. I definitely think it should have had a 2nd season.

PV: I saw you recently on the 1st episode of the new (2nd) season of Flight of the Conchords, how was that experience after your audition tragedy from last season?

A-RO: It was great. Greg Proops was really fun and smart. He has an extensive vocabulary. I would go home and look up words he used in casual conversation. (I’m definitely dumber than Greg Proops).

PV: Are those 2 guys as sexually attractive as women seem to think?

A-RO: Yes. Yes. And yes. Just something about them. They have that je ne s’ais quoi. (I took French in high school).

PV: Who do you think would win in a street fight, Flight of the Conchords or STELLA?

A-RO: They’re all pussies. As in pussy cats.

PV: Do you ever do any Variety Shac shows anymore?

A-RO: Yes. We have a varietyshac show the first Thursday of every month at ucb in nyc. And then sometimes we have one offs, like we just did the final comedy show at the Knittting Factory in NYC. (It’s moving to Brooklyn).

PV: Do you enjoy doing live comedy as opposed to tv or film?

A-RO: I like doing both. I like live stuff especially when I’m in the mood to do it and it’s going well. But if there’s a drunken hooligan in the audience I don’t like it.

And I like doing tv/film because it helps me to get health insurance and have enough time to watch The Housewives of Wherever, The Bachelor, Top Chef, Oprah, and on and on.

PV: D'ya like yogurt?

A-RO: I love yogurt drinks. Like Ronnybrook. (But I don’t like Yoplait.)

PV: What are some of the best concerts you've ever attended?

A-RO: I usually don’t go to concerts. They’re so crowded and I’m not into that. But this past summer I did see Wilco. And every song they did was great. But it’s hard to stand for that long.

PV: This dude wrote a song about Michael Showalter on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/wat

ch?v=xcLVPN0tQII) and emailed me telling me his next song is going to be something like "Marry Me Andrea Rosen", wanna take this opportunity to pre-break up with this guy, so he doesn't get the wrong idea?

A-RO: He came to a recent show of mine. And he was very nice. I’m so flattered that I’m not at all creeped out. He said the video is almost done. Here is the song and video:


PV: Shonali (your S in Variety Shac) is going to be on =POPVIEWS=, would you like me to relay any message to her?

A-RO: Tell her I like her hair cut.

PV: Do you think you'll ever relocate to Los Angeles from Brooklyn?

A-RO: God I hope not. I lived there for a year and a half once, and I was always lost on the wrong highway. And though I do think In and Out Burgers are all that, the LA vibe was not for me. I like cold weather and the subway a lot!

PV: Why are you so hot and/or awesome?

A-RO: A psychic once told me that in a past life I was a hermit, and in this life I’m making up for all that time I spent in my cave. Maybe that’s why I’m hot and/or awesome. Otherwise I don’t know.

PV: Describe to me what it was like when you first saw a picture of me, do you think one could describe it as "glee?" perhaps "elation?", but please don't let ME put words in your mouth...

A-RO: I thought you were cute. And I was “gleelated” to know you through the internet.

PV: You hold the record by biggest fish caught by a female, don't you? Did you eat that fish or throw it back?

A-RO: I threw it back. It was really old, that’s why he was so big. He was big and geriatric. He wouldn’t have tasted very good.

PV: What's going on with STANDREA?

A-RO: Nada. I made those for Superdeluxe. They ordered 3 and that was it. And now I think Superdeluxe is no more.

PV: Have you seen the film "Milk" yet? Thoughts?

A-RO: Yes. I really liked it. I was sobbing at the end. Even after the credits, I was crying. I’m a baby. But also I like movies set in SF, because I lived there for a year in 1992.

PV: Are you as psyched about our new President Elect as I am?

A-RO: Yes. He seems reasonable. And his tone of voice always makes me think he’s right. I also like that he just quit smoking. He’s fallible.

PV: What bands/artists would you be happy to see sent into space and never returned?

A-RO: I love dumb pop music (Miley Cyrus, Pussycat Dolls, Jordin Sparks), but I just cannot get behind the Jonas Brothers. Their music is not at all catchy and they were so horrible when they played on one of my favorite tv shows, Dancing with the Stars. They can’t sing. And also, they don’t seem like they’d be good at sex.

PV: When was the last time you laughed until you cried?

A-RO: Recently my boyfriend and I stayed at my friends farm house, and when we got there, it turned out that the pipes were frozen, so there was no running water. So we had to pooh on paper plates outside. That made me laugh a lot. Really anything pooh related or fart related makes me laugh a lot. I love shit.

PV: What is your cocktail of choice?

A-RO: hot chocolate. I have a total sweet tooth. But alcohol-wise, I like sidecars.

PV: If you were on an all female comedy tour with tons of female comedians, and the plane crashed, would you eat Rosie O'Donnell?

A-RO: Sure.

PV: Well thanks for spending time with us, Andrea. We love your work and your face. Thanks for joining the fam, any famous last words?

A-RO: Thank you for including me.

1 comment:

  1. Very funny interview! Where are the OTHER funny women in your interviewing process? Are you Jerry Lewis-ing me? You dont' think women are FUNNEH???
